Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Taris will always hold a special place in our hearts as the starting world of KotOR. Now Taris is but a shadow of its former self, a giant pile of rubble slowly being consumed by the swamp. Our class quests here are really interesting IMO, involving tracking our quarry through the swamp and Mandalorian war games. Like Tatooine, upon completion of this planet another noble soul flocks to our cause.

I had a lot of trouble with Taris because at the time of me writing this, Taris suffers from some kind of game issue leading to MASSIVE FPS drops. I was routinely going under 10 FPS, which makes play extremely difficult. For those of you new to Bounty Hunting, this likely won't be a problem because a fix is on the way.


Because of this, I actually skipped some bonus quests (gasp, shock, horror). It's too bad, really. I'll have to play through on an alt at some point so I can enjoy Taris without it being tainted by stuttery gameplay.

1 comment:

  1. For those of you new to Bounty Hunting, this likely won't be a problem because a fix is on the way.
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